Record Book, Minutes, and Correspondence 1897-1902; 1929-1956


Record Book, Minutes, and Correspondence 1897-1902; 1929-1956

Records related to the administration of the Lutheran Deaconess Motherhouse and Training School, Baltimore, Maryland, (BMD) comprise the records of this series. There are three record types: a record book, meeting minutes, and correspondence. The record book is a bound notebook with dated, handwritten entries from 1897-1902 that describe actions taken by, what at that time was referred to as "the direction," the motherhouse's board of management. Examples of entries include assigning deaconesses to parishes, approval of applications for those wishing to enter the diaconate, removing deaconesses from parishes, and recalling deaconesses to the motherhouse. Entries in the book end in 1902, but there is no notation as to why this happened or to where this type of information was relocated. This series also include typewritten meeting minutes for the board of management from two meetings in 1946 and 1948, and meetings from 1950-1962. The remaining record type in this series is correspondence. It is typewritten and dated from 1929-1956. Subject matter includes several letters about the use of the motherhouse grounds by the ULCA's Inner Mission Society for its annual "Lawn Fete;" budget matters and the apportionment allotted by the ULCA for deaconess work; repairs to property; upcoming board meetings; and purchases of equipment and supplies for the motherhouse. The primary author and recipient of this correspondence is Sister Martha Hansen, who served as secretary for the Board of Management.

1 box (.4 cubic ft.)

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